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Chichibu Yatai Bayashi |Grand Festival of Japanese Folk Performing Arts

On September 2 and 3, 2023, the "Grand Festival of Japanese Folk Performing Arts" was held at the Meiji Kinen Hall in Yoyogi, Tokyo. Here are some of the most impressive performances.


Chichibu Yatai Bayashi|Saitama prefecture

Origin of the Chichibu Yatai Bayashi
(Festival musical accompaniment)

This is a musical instrument played at festivals in the Chichibu area. It is played on the lower level of the Dashifloat pulled around the city during the festival. The musical accompaniment helps the pullers of the Dashi, which can weigh up to 20 tons, to synchronize and enliven their breathing.


Yatai Bayashi is played with o-daiko (large drum), kodaiko (small drum), kane, and shinobue (bamboo flute). The role of the shinobue, which plays the main melody, is vital. All taiko players sit down to play, and it is said that the posture of the o-daiko players, with their legs stretched out, is particularly demanding.


The achievements of Ukichi Takano

It is said that around the 1950s, each city council with a Dashi performed in its style, and the drummers just kept on beating the taikos, and the shinobue, and kane did not match at all. In such a situation, a member led by Ukichi Takano (1902-1958) won an award in a competition, and Saitama Prefecture designated Takano as a "Chichibu Yadai Bayashi Intangible Folk Cultural Asset Preserver".

“Ukichi Takano and the Chichibu Shachu” was founded by Takano in 1955. He created today's Yatai Bayashi prototype and taught drummers how to play it. It is said that Chichibu Yatai Bayashi taikos are left-handed because Ukichi Takano was left-handed.


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