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Japanese musical instrument

Geisha performance|Places to enjoy the sounds of Japanese instruments 

What is a geisha?

A geisha is a woman who enlivens a banquet by dancing, singing, and playing Japanese instruments. Geisha have been popular with the public since the Edo period (1603-1867). The districts where geisha work are called "Hanamachi", which means "flower district" and signifies the world of glamour. Gion in Kyoto is famous for its hanamachi, but Tokyo also has hanamachi in Akasaka, Asakusa, Mukojima, and other areas.



Geisha and Japanese musical instruments

Geishas who sing, and play the shamisen and ohayashi (flute, small drum, big drum, etc.)  are called "Jikata". In addition to playing music, the Jikata also plays an important role in creating the atmosphere of the place. To become a Jikata, one must learn to sing and play an instrument, which requires rigorous training. 


The life of a geisha

To become a geisha, one first joins an Okiya and begins her career between 15 and 18. As an apprentice, you are not paid a salary but are given food, clothing, and accommodation by the Okiya. When she becomes a full apprentice, she is paid to attend banquets. Most of the work is done at night, but they are kept busy practicing instruments, singing, and dancing during the day.


How to see a geisha

You can see a geisha at a ryotei (Japanese-style restaurant) in the area where the geisha live. However, many restaurants are closed to first-time visitors, but some will accept first-time visitors.


Akasaka Geisha Emaki

>>>Click Here


Asakusa Kenban

>>>Click Here


Mukojima Bokutei Kumiai

>>>Click Here



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