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Japanese cultute

" Goninbayashi " for Girl's Festival

Hinamatsuri(Girl's Festival)on March 3rd is a traditional Japanese event to pray for the health and happiness of young girls.

We display dolls at the festival to take away girls' bad luck. The dolls are modeled after the wedding ceremony of the emperor and empress, and all are dressed in Heian -period(AD794-1185)court costumes.

The five dolls are modeled after boys between the ages of 11 and 16 years old who are about to enter the age of maturity. They are called "Goninbayashi ". They wear a headband called a samurai-eboshi (samurai headgear)and each of the five has a different musical instrument such as a big drum, small drum, flute, and singer.

Japanese classical musical instruments have been handed down from such an ancient time!


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