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The Awa Odori Festival in Tokushima|Aug 12-15 2023


The Awa Odori Festival (Odori means dance)in Tokushima is one of Japan’s most famous dance festivals. It was held every year during the Obon Holiday season which is an annual Buddhist event for commemorating one’s ancestors, whose spirits are believed to temporarily return to this world to visit their relatives.

The dance groups are called "ren," and the number of participating ren is as many as 1,000. Including street dancers, the total number of participants is said to be up to 100,000.



How to enjoy Awa Odori?

There are paid and free outdoor seats for spectators to enjoy the performance from 18:00 to 22:00 (however, paid seats are interchangeable between the two sections, and ticket prices are subject to change daily depending on sales conditions).

Ticket information
>>Click here


You can also enjoy Youtube Live

It is best to listen to the sound of shinobue and wadaiko drums and enjoy the enthusiasm of the dancers and tourists on site, but if that is not possible, you can also enjoy the live streaming on Youtube.

Shikoku Broadcasting (四国放送)
from 7:00 p.m. on August 14
>>Click here


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