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Shakuhachi Lesson "Ask the Master"



Kaizan Harago
Tozan ryu shakuhachi(都山流)

Kaizan Harago was born in Tokushima, Japan. His father taught him shakuhachi from childhood, after that he studied under master Seizan Ishigaki I from 1993 to 2000. He has performed on many stages, and also experienced co-starring with Norwegian artist “Splash Girl”. He has also appeared on TV and Radio several times. Nowadays, he is dedicated to training the younger generation to promote the shakuhachi.

Master of Tozan ryu shakuhachi, a member of PRO MUSICA NIPPONIA.


Content of service

As you continue practicing every day, do you always find that things don't go well in the same place, or you don't get the sound you want to make?

Ask the Master service is feedback in an English video and report for those who want careful and polite advice about your performance from a Japanese shakuhachi Master.

The performance level does not matter.


Recommended for people

  • Who want detailed advice on your entire performance.
  • Have questions on other things that you want advice from a professional perspective.

Fee: $118

Supported language: English

Target data: Up to 5 minutes

Data size limit: 500 MB

Service flow

  • Please apply from the form
  • Please send the performance video data and the problematic part with a comment .
  • The instructor will return video and report to improve the performance in 14 business days.

How to send the data?

We recommend sending the data by WhatsAPP



Please email (info@reiroh.jp) using the forwarding service below.

"Wesendit"  https://www.wesendit.com

"Filemail"   https://www.filemail.com/



  • Please mention your name when sending.
  • We can’t accept file sizes over 500 MB or 5 min.
  • Reports may be later than 14 business days, if the instructor is busy. We apologize for any delay.



Shakuhachi lesson_#1 How to hold | Kaizan Harago

Shakuhachi lesson_#2 How to blow | Kaizan Harago

Shakuhachi lesson_#3 How to make long sounds | Kaizan Harago