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Honkai Shishimai Bangaku|Grand Festival of Japanese Folk Performing Arts

Honkai Shishimai Bangaku|Grand Festival of Japanese Folk Performing Arts

On September 2 and 3, 2023, the " Grand Festival of Japanese Folk Performing Arts" was held at the Meiji Kinen Hall in Yoyogi, Tokyo. Here are some of the most impressive performances.


Honkai Shishimai Bangaku|Akita prefecture
Hirane Kouchu


Origin of Honkai Shishimai Bangaku(Lion dance)

"Honkai" comes from the name of a pilgrim named Honkai-bo. He came from Kyoto to the foot of Mt. Chokai with Shishimai and Kagura(Shinto music and dance)in the 1624s. Honkai-bo transmitted what is known as yamabushi kagura(Mountain priest kagura)to various regions.

Shishimai Bangaku has been handed down in various villages at the northern foot of Mt.Chokai and is inextricably linked to the local Mt. Chokai faith. It is performed not only at shrine festivals, but also at events related to agriculture, and is closely linked to people's daily lives.


Mt. Chokai


Mt. Chokai is a beautiful volcano, feared for its many eruptions and the object of mountain worship since ancient times. Its abundant spring water has brought agricultural blessings to the foot of the mountain. Since the late Middle Ages, the mountain has gradually become a  pilgrim practice and worship place.


Characteristics of Shishimai Bangaku


Bamboo flutes wadaiko enliven the scene. The Shishimai was intense on the stage, moving in all directions as if it were alive. I was also impressed by the bright colors of the costumes, which differed from my image of the Tohoku area. Shishimai is believed to effectively prevent fires and pacify epidemics.


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