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I want to communicate with people all over the world through Japanese musical instruments.

 I used to listen to Japanese traditional music at shrine festivals, but I had no special interest in it.

 But one day while I was in Aomori prefecture for work, I saw a Shinto performance of “Kagura” and I cried unintentionally. I didn’t know what happened to me, but I found that the tone of the Japanese flute was moving my heart. I realized for the first time that the sound of the Japanese flute was so beautiful.

 This triggered my desire to learn to play the Japanese bamboo flute “Shinobue” . I’m still far from the level I’m aiming for, but my life has been enriched by the experience of learning it.

When playing Japanese classical instruments, there is no conductor. The players look at each other, listen to each other, and work together to create a good ensemble. This experience of bringing everyone together is truly wonderful.

I started this website because I wanted to communicate with people all over the world through Japanese musical instruments.

At the same time, I would be very happy if you were interested in Japanese culture, which has a history of several thousand years.

I hope to have fun and communicate with everyone through playing Japanese musical instruments. I would be happy if I could help enrich your life.




  REIROH  Japanese Classical Music

  Eri Miyakawa