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Knowing Kagura at “Kagura jp(神楽 jp)“

Kagura is one of Japan's traditional performing arts. You can enjoy it on ”Kagura jp(神楽jp)".

What’s Kagura

Kagura began as a ritual ceremony to express gratitude for the bounty of nature. The ancestors of the Japanese people believed that everything that happened in this world was the work of the gods. The name “kagura” (神楽; lit. “god/s” “entertainment”) was used to describe the ritual ceremony that expressed gratitude to the gods during festivals where crops harvested in the fall were offered to the gods at sacred shrines. As local shrines dedicated to local deities were built across the country, so too did kagura spread with them. The art of kagura was inherited by Shinto priests and the people of the community; today, it is preserved and passed down as a traditional Japanese folk art taking many forms across Japan.

Kagura jp Youtube

You can watch several videos of Hiroshima Kagura.



You can find some goods such as T-shirts, mugs, pouches with Kagura motifs, masks, and Japanese classical musical instruments used on the stage.


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