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#3 Unable to debut at the Awa dance festival !!|Shinobue practice diary

I'm playing shinobue at an Awa dance festival.

Before I used to practice Japanese classical songs and so on, but I honestly wasn't interested in it. At that time, I was invited by a friend of mine to practice at one of Awa dance group .

What is an Awa dance?

In addition to the shinobue, the performance troupe includes taiko drums, shamisen and kane, they are called " 鳴り物 (Narimono)".
Then dancers dance to the music. It's a lot of fun to have an uplifting feeling that everyone creates. I think this kind of atmosphere seems to suit me better.

But this summer, due to the rapid increase in the number of coronavirus patients in Japan, all the events we were scheduled to join were cancelled.

I'll  continue practicing for next year's debut !


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